עברית 052-3345299
ייעוץ אסטרטגי

Planning and Accompanying Processes of Strategic Planning

  • Planning and accompanying strategic processes that include thinking processes in an attempt to develop a sub-market concept, analysis and construction of growth engines and development directions
  • Company analysis, analysis and understanding of the business environment, market components, customers and competitors
  • Leading creative and groundbreaking thinking processes to build a sustainable competitive advantage, locating products, services and applications for existing and new markets, increasing market share in existing markets, developing new growth engines, formulating a business model, going to market, positioning and branding

These processes are implemented through the establishment of action teams within the company, integration of experts as needed, Internet research and workshops for strategic thinking.
Advanced models for strategic thinking and analysis as well as formulation of an operational work plan for the implementation of the strategy are integrated.

Steps in the Strategic Process:

  • Analysis of the organization using advanced diagnostic and mapping models
  • Analysis of the organization's environment: understanding the market and its characteristics, analyzing competitors, analyzing macro and micro trends, understanding the main players, finding opportunities for differentiation
  • Analysis of products and services in terms of their business potential and their attractiveness in the market
  • Analysis of reports and business results for understanding the state of the company, identifying characteristics, trends, factors of success and failure
  • Design of vision, mission and core values
  • Analysis of S.W.O.T
  • Creation of focus tables
  • Identification of root problems, and core capabilities
  • Focus on the best opportunities
  • Analysis of organic growth potential and through M & A
  • Formulation of the "Market Sub-Concept"
  • Building and testing growth engines
  • Formulation of values ​​for the customer that provide a sustainable competitive advantage

Formulation of the New Strategic Concept in terms of:

  • Vision and purpose
  • Sustainable competitive advantage
  • Strategic focus
  • Solutions, products, services and growth engines
  • Markets
  • Business models
  • Go to market
  • Strategic map based on the BSC model

Translation of the Strategy into an Operative Work Plan:

  • Vision and purpose
  • Defining goals and objectives for the organization overall and each of its components, including financial goals, goals that bring value to the customer, goals for creating processes that support these values, and objectives for developing capabilities that support these values ​​according to the strategic map
  • Formulating mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating progress
  • Implementing changes based on lessons learned along the way

About Us

Shmulik Ravid Ltd. is a strategic, organizational and personal consulting firm that integrates the three consulting circles in order to provide a complete solution from a systemic perspective to the customer. We believe that it is this combination of consulting strengths that enable the company to build a winning strategic approach to align organizational infrastructures, providing personal guidance to managers in leading the change and achieving business results.
