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Accompanying and Leading Change

Change is the essence within which we act. Just as the earth constantly revolves around itself and around the sun, so we in our private, family, community and organizational lives experience constant change. However, as we tend to think that the earth is stable and as previous generations tended to think that the earth is flat, so we adopt an illusion of stability and suppress any thought that may shake the reality we have built for ourselves. Most people love the illusion of stability, develop habits and subjugate to the comfort areas in which they live. 

Organizations must adapt themselves to the changing environment in order to survive and to succeed. Therefore, they must know how to live in change. First-rate changes are an everyday thing. Second-order changes, paradigm changes that change thinking patterns and assumptions, can shake the foundations of an organization, its environment, and its constituent elements. 

We are involved in guiding and leading processes of change from the strategic and ideological level to daily life. We instill change for every employee in the organization and the environment in which he operates (from ideology to organizational culture). Change processes require learning and planning, familiarity with methods and tools to lead change, and proven techniques for dealing with resistance to change. Any change is accompanied by resistance. It is a constant dynamic of forces of the past and of conservatives - both vital to the organization. 

We use the best knowledge, models and techniques for planning, managing and leading the change successfully, while managing the resistance correctly. We work together with the leaders of the change in the organization to understand the need for change and sources of resistance, map possible difficulties in the process, as well as build and support an optimal implementation program that provides a solution and involves those who can help to successfully implement the change.

Assimilation of Cultural, Moral and Behavioral Changes

  • Translating the strategic concept into mission and vision
  • Formulating core values that define the truly important things for society and translating them into daily rules of society
  • Building work plans to instill these changes and transform them into social culture

Cultural changes involve changes in basic assumptions. Therefore, assimilation of cultural changes is a complex process that combines a variety of activities whose combination enables cultural change. Implementation of cultural change is required in many cases in which an organization adopts a new strategic concept. The integration process requires mobilizing the organization's management and leaders of the organization's vision and core values, translating the values ​​into clear and understandable reality and behaviors, integrating the vision, values ​​and behaviors desired in the organization's learning and training processes, introducing the change through cross-organizational work teams and re-branding the organization through rituals and symbols that produce identity and commitment to the new organization and culture.

Assimilation of an Organizational Learning Culture and Methodology for Conducting Research and Drawing Lessons in an Applied Manner

  • Assimilation of the characteristics of the learning organization according to Peter Sanji's approach
  • Integrating learning methods
  • Assimilating the research model
  • Drawing conclusions.

We use a researching and debriefing model that I developed during my role as Chief Organizational Adviser for the Israeli Air Force. The model is based on investigation performed in the air force and has been adapted to suit civilian companies of every type and sector. The model has been implemented with great success in leading companies. In companies of a project nature, the research was an intregral part of projects that combine start-ups, interim investigations and a structured, methodically structured research.

Formulation of Models for Organizational Structure and Processes Supporting Strategy

Formulation of an effective organizational structure optimally supports the realization of the strategic concept, including the definition of work interfaces and work processes that are essential for successful change and successful implementation of the strategy.
The organizational structure is based on analyzing the organization's strategic concept, understanding the responses that the organization is required to provide, benchmarking against similar companies, understanding the organization's stage of development, resource constraints and personnel factors.
The organization's organizational structure includes definition of goals, the organizational chart, job definitions, analysis of critical work interfaces, proper communication and work methods, definition of KPI's and the transition plan to working in the new format.
Building the necessary interfaces and work processes includes flowcharts for critical processes, analyzing and mapping critical interfaces, building a consciousness of full partnership to realize common goals, understanding mutual needs, constraints and agreed upon ways of action.

Implementation of Advanced Organizational and Managerial Methods

The introduction and assimilation of a new management system creates a management change process in organizations.
Experience shows that it is not enough to study a new managerial or organizational method.
Sometimes a method that seems very successful is culturally dependent.
"Import" and assimilation of a new method requires, in addition to learning the new method, an understanding of the existing organizational culture and its process of cultural change.
We operate through a variety of management methods, such as Peter Drucker's Targeted Management (MBO), Norton and Kaplan's Balanced Score Card, Eliahu Goldratt's Theory of Constraints (TOC) and more.
We operate in an eclectic and non-Orthodox approach, with the aim of adapting to each organization the elements that suit it and out of the desire to maximize the advantages inherent in each approach for the benefit of the organization we are advising.

Organizational Diagnostics

Organizational diagnosis is an essential stage in understanding organizational events, identifying trends in the organization, understanding the attitudes of employees, suppliers and customers towards the organization, receiving vital information about intentions, changes, activities that are carried out in the organization.
The results of the diagnosis are the starting points for improvement processes.
Diagnosis can be done using qualitative methods, interviews and observations, or quantitative methods through surveys and, of course, integrated methods.
The vast experience I have accumulated over the years and the methodological knowledge available to us enable us to build the tools that are best suited to the specific characteristics and needs of each client, to analyze and derive the correct insights from each diagnosis and to translate these insights into activities and processes of improvement in the organization and its environment.

Development of Methods for Assessing Employees, Managers and Customers, Feedback Systems for Managers and Employees

Use of the most advanced 360 evaluation methods, including employee evaluation, feedback to managers, customer surveys and employee surveys, and adapting them to organizational needs and characteristics.
The design of feedback processes builds and strengthens and connects compensation systems to goals and results. 
Evaluation methods can also be varied.
The use of evaluation and feedback tools requires deep understanding and vast experience with these processes. Improper use can cause serious personal and organizational damage. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the various tools: self-evaluation, managers' evaluation of their employees, assessment of employees and their managers, peer evaluation, customer and supplier evaluation and the combination of different perspectives to create feedback for the needs of the organization, appropriate training and an emphasis on providing feedback, understanding the possible uses, benefits and dangers of these tools, understanding the effects, deceptions, objections and ways of dealing with them and initiating personal development processes to empower the human factor and the organization.

About Us

Shmulik Ravid Ltd. is a strategic, organizational and personal consulting firm that integrates the three consulting circles in order to provide a complete solution from a systemic perspective to the customer. We believe that it is this combination of consulting strengths that enable the company to build a winning strategic approach to align organizational infrastructures, providing personal guidance to managers in leading the change and achieving business results.
