עברית 052-3345299
פיתוח הון אנושי

Advanced Programs for the Development of Managers and Leaders

For thousands of years the theory of management and leadership has been written about in the Bible, historic books, and literature, and for over the last hundred years in management and leadership books. The success of an organization depends first and foremost on people and on the management and leadership abilities of those who lead them.

Our Managers and Leaders Development programs create leaders who know how to combine managerial skills with leadership abilities and then translate this into leading people to meet the challenges of their organization today.

These programs include:

  • Introspection through independent diagnoses, mutual feedback, self-observation, and personal insight - know yourself
  • Classic approaches and current approaches to the development of management
  • Management styles, status dependency, cultural dependency, need and challenge dependencies
  • Management tools: planning, decision making, decision tracking, resource management, organizational analysis, time management, conflict management, negotiation ...
  • Advanced management methods: TOC, BSC, MBO, TQM, focused management, and how to operate eclectically while fully adapting to the organization's characteristics and needs
  • Leadership - the essence of the concept, the characteristics of leadership, what is between leadership and management
  • Leadership models
  • Experiential Workshop - Moshe Rabeinu: A Learning Model for Leadership from a Human and Personal Perspective
  • Connecting all learning materials to the management and leadership challenges of the company

Development Plans for Executives and Project Managers

These programs are based on years of experience with companies engaged in managing projects in a variety of fields - from various development processes to the execution of planning and construction projects.

The programs combine PMBOK, TOC and other essential management components, as well as models we have developed over the years that significantly improve project management.

Generic Content in Project Management Programs:

  • Project Management Assessments - understanding goals, contract survey, hazards and opportunities
  • Project Team Development - hierarchical and matrix
  • Integration Management - content, time and procurement costs
  • Risk Management and an effective Mitigation Program
  • Critical Chain Identification and Resource Management
  • Analysis of forces and the formulation of effective methods of action
  • Negotiation
  • Management of work logs
  • Changes and improvements
  • Managing interpersonal communication and conflicts correctly
  • Initiation, debriefings and lessons learned

Construction and Executive of Training Programs Custom Tailored to the Customer's Needs

Examination of the unique needs, formulation of the designated training program, development of appropriate simulations, and implementation of learning technologies enable the creation of special programs.

These programs can be created for each layer and segment in the organization according to the client's needs. The programs allow for discussions, simulations, debriefings, connecting learning to practice in the field, integration of senior managers and external experts in learning processes and experiential learning in the field.

Practical Workshops and Tools

All workshops are built on the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical application. They are all tailored to the customer's unique characteristics and needs. All of them combine experiences and simulations, and all of them emphasize the acquisition of practical tools and a learning experience.

  • Service and Sales
  • Assertiveness
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Employee Motivation
  • Execution Evaluation
  • Stress and Conflict
  • Organizational Learning
  • Advanced Management
  • Change Management
  • Time Managment
  • Meeting Management
  • Risk Management
  • Teamwork
  • Troubleshooting
  • Decision Making
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Corporate Culture

About Us

Shmulik Ravid Ltd. is a strategic, organizational and personal consulting firm that integrates the three consulting circles in order to provide a complete solution from a systemic perspective to the customer. We believe that it is this combination of consulting strengths that enable the company to build a winning strategic approach to align organizational infrastructures, providing personal guidance to managers in leading the change and achieving business results.
